Our Team

Some thing about all of us….

TJ Firneno, PhD


Principal Investigator

Under construction…. You can find a copy of my most up to date CV here.

Katherine Golden

Masters Student

Michael Grapin

Undergraduate Researcher

I am a third-year studying biology with a secondary in data science.  I am interested in investigating genotype-to-phenotype mechanisms that are found across the diversity of life. Outside of academics, I am a avid outdoorsman and a member of the Juniata College football team.

Brayden Todd

Undergraduate Researcher

Ava Merced


Undergraduate Researcher

I'm a first-year studying environmental science excited to work on undergraduate research. I'm super interested in wildlife, genetics, conservation, and more. Fun fact about me: I've been bitten by a penguin!

Bella Rose


Undergraduate Researcher

I am a first-year student excited to enter the world of research!  I'm interested in genetics, evolution, and animal behavior.  My favorite animals are sharks, and I hope to study them as my career someday. 

Lab Alumni & Past Mentees

  • Christina Maguire

    University of Denver 2021-2022

  • Elise Gellman

    University of Denver 2021-2022

  • Alejandro Hernandez-Briones

    UT Arlington 2020-2021

  • Timothy Kihneman

    UT Arlington 2019-2021

  • Chris McDaniels

    UT Arlington 2019-2020

  • Alyson Emery

    UT Arlington 2017-2019

  • Kayla Weinfurther

    IUP 2013-2016

  • Samantha Soto

    IUP 2014-2016

  • Ayla Ross

    IUP 2014-2016

  • Esbeiry Cordova-Ortiz

    IUP 2015-2016

  • Mariah Kenney

    IUP 2014-2015

  • Gretchen McCormick

    IUP 2013-2015